Policy Driven Results
TSG Consulting is one of the strongest governmental affairs firms in West Virginia and has significant experience with public policy. Using testimony, letters, meetings and other methods, we've worked with policymakers in West Virginia and on Capitol Hill. We build long-term relationships for our clients. Our registered lobbyists know how to drive issues and get results!
Our clientele has included hospitality and tourism interests, banking institutions, the insurance industry, general business, technology companies, heavy manufacturers and a wide range of entities in the health care field. We've refined the art of crafting a message to affect outcomes - creating an effective governmental affairs strategy that works.
We have the ability to monitor and track bills on both the state and federal levels. We assist in message development, lobbying, and building grassroots advocacy to give you long-term, positive results.
Drawing on our specialization in the process of making laws, rules and regulations, TSG can prepare you to meet the scrutiny of the media and policymakers when your organization is facing a potentially hostile situation.

TSG has become a leader in health care issues and helped clients promote high standards of care. TSG has assisted its clients in realistic goals for organizations and the communities they serve.
TSG has a history of representing a wide variety of the state’s manufacturers. From regulatory, logistics to employment policy, TSG can deliver results.
As technology grows in the state, TSG is on the forefront of changing policy trends of the industry.
General Issues
From budget to taxation, TSG will assist you on an array of issues to address your policy needs.
Our Services
TSG has an extensive team of registered lobbyists to communicate to federal, state, and local policymakers across various industry sectors.
Do you need to develop a network of advocates? TSG can assist in developing strategies to effectively move the messages to gain supporters for your efforts.
TSG can help assist in any issue surrounding state and local government. From permitting to legislative rules, TSG has the knowledge to guide you.
At TSG, we know policy change starts with strategy. We can consult you on the best approach to navigate legislative change in West Virginia.
TSG's strong communication background can support the development tactics to deliver the right message to policymakers and community/industry stakeholders. We work on both local and national issues.
TSG is active in the Capitol throughout the year to track and monitor issues. We are there on the ground to provide you with the information of upcoming movement on issues.
TSG can successfully guide you through the process of procurement in state and local government.
TSG understands legislative communications and can leverage media resources to deliver results.